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Roman Catholic AnswerThe bare minimum would be an unbaptised person, water, and another person to administer the sacrament. In a Church, usually, in addition there is usually a white garment, a lighted Paschal candle, another candle for the new baptised (or his parents), the Oil of Catechumens, the Sacred Chrism, and a towel and purificator to clean up with.
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Q: What Holy things are used during baptism?
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What is the symbol of the holy spirit that is used in baptism?

The Dove is the symbol of the Holy Spirit that is used in baptism.

When is the holy water used for Baptism blessed?

In general, it is blessed at the baptism ceremony itself.

Is a Dove a symbol of baptism?

Not really. The dove is used as a symbol for the Holy Spirit which is very heavily involved in Baptism.

Why is the holy bible used in baptism?

The origin of the Baptism is found in the Bible and Jesus institute this sacrament for our cleansing.

What oils are used during the sacraments of initiation?

The sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist Baptism oils are Oil of Catechumens, given only at Baptism as a welcome to church, and also Oil of Chrism, given after Baptism as a sign of priest, prophet, king. At Confirmation the Chrism oil is given, as at Baptism, confirming the gifts of the Holy Spirit At Eucharist, no oils are used

Why is the shell with three drops of water a symbol of baptism?

The shell is an ancient symbol of baptism and is often used during baptism to scoop the water from the baptismal font. The three drops of water represent the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit into whom we are baptized.

What oil is used at holy orders?

Holy oil, also known as chrism oil, is typically used in holy orders. This oil is consecrated by a bishop and is used for anointing during sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and holy orders in the Catholic Church. It is a mixture of olive oil and balsam, symbolizing the presence of the Holy Spirit.

What sacred oil is used for baptism comfirmation and holy orders?

The sacred oil used for baptism, confirmation, and holy orders is called chrism oil. This oil is consecrated by a bishop and is used in different sacraments within the Catholic Church to symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Why is holy water used in catholic baptism?

to bless them and to welcome them to Gods place

What three sacraments is Chrism used for?

Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders ( priesthood).

Why is water important to Christians?

Do you mean holy water? if so...holy water is used in baptism to represent the holy spirit. This is used because when Christians believe in Jesus, the holy spirit enters them.

What are examples of Holy Wells in Ireland and the UK that were used for immersion baptism?

Holy or "blessed wells" have never been used for Baptism. Blessed wells, where people now go to pray, are supposed to have originated in pre-Christian times as place of importance to pre-Christian Gods and like some other things were subsumed into native Christian life.