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Honeyeaters particularly enjoy callistemon (bottlebrush) and grevilleas.

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Q: What Honey eaters use as a native Australian plant?
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Is a grevillea an Australian plant?

Yes. The grevillea is native to Australia.

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The ornamental plant commonly found in Australian gardens, and known as a hibiscus, is not native to Australia. However, there is a native hibiscus which is a medium sized shrub with mauve flowers.

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Do Australian native bees make honey combs?

Short answer, no. Long answer, there are many types of Australian Native Bees. Some are eusocial (meaning they have hives, colonies, etc) but most are solitary (meaning that they generally hang out on their own). If your question is actually "Do Australian Native Bees store honey?" then the answer is yes. The eusocial species of bees will make "honey pots" from wax and propolis (plant saps). The honey pots are generally no bigger than a thumb nail and (depending on the available flora) are dark redish brown in colour. These pods are often put together around the outside of the hive, as the inside of the hive contains brood cells. The bees store pollen in a similar manner. For more information, visit: Aussie Bee Sugarbag ----

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Most dinosaurs were plant eaters. This is because plants are more common than animals.

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They are animal eaters.