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Q: What Irony underlies Welthow's speech about Hrothulf?
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Which of these literary elements does F. Scott Fitzgerald rely upon most in The Great Gatsby?

the answer is paradox

What is the irony of Robespierre's injury?

It was in his jaw after he tried to shoot himself. Then, he was later guillotined. Either way, he wanted to die by his head.

Did the Versailles treaty help to rebuild Germany after World War 1?

sorry for the short answer but absolutely not it was a symbol of other countries control over Germany financially and physically no Germany would have been a lot better without it if they had won the war that is. so if they hadn't signed that treaty it would put them in complete mess they would have been taken over by powerful countries irony huh.

Why did England get involved in the crusades?

If you have played Medieval Total War:Crusades and listen to the story line its because the of religion. The pope wanted them to spread the word of Christianity accross the world and convert or destroy anyone who oposed. The Middle East including Jerusalem was as Christian as Europe when the Roman Empire fell, and continued so until Islam arose in Arabia and invaded and conquered it, forcing the surviving Christians to convert to Islam or die, or pay oppressive taxes, depending on the policy of the Caliph (Moslem tyrant) of the moment. Once Moslem rule was consolidated by such means, most rulers (no doubt eager for their money) allowed European pilgrims into Jerusalem. Near the end of the 11th century, the Moslems turned intolerant again and oppressed pilgrims (e.g. enslaving them). At the same time the Seljuk Turks arrived from Central Asia, converted to Islam, and began ripping apart the Christian Byzantine Empire, e.g. massacring the Province of Armenia after the battle of Manzikert (Turkish genocide goes back that far). Byzantium appealed to Rome for help and the Pope called a Crusade. The Crusaders took Jerusalem BACK in 1099, along with bits of the Levantine littoral, like Antioch (once a major Christian patriarchate and still probably majority Christian), but did not advance further (as they might have), having little ambition for rule beyond the Holy Lands. Many observers have remarked over the centuries, that if only the Crusaders had been more imperialistic, their kingdom could have lasted longer. The Crusades had NOTHING to do with "spreading Christianity across the world" -- they didn't even know how big the world was -- the great age of Christian missions was still centuries in the future (after 1492), -- or with "converting or destroying anyone who opposed". The irony is that this moronic slander sounds more like Islam than Christianity -- although even there it would still be an exaggeration.

Why do historians call between 1919 and 1939 the 20 year truce?

It was the reaction of Marshal Ferdinand Foch when he saw the terms that Germany was forced to accept in the treaty of Versailles. "This isn't a peace, it's a twenty year truce!" This came about because the three victorious powers that were forcing Germany to sign the treaty, Britain France and America, wanted very different things. The American president Woodrow Wilson wanted to create the League of Nations, rather like a beta version of the United Nations, thus he wanted to forgive Germany so that it could take its place in the League, and peaceful governing of the world could continue. The French wanted to weaken Germany so much that they could never be a threat. You must remember that the Western Front had largely run through France, it was a miracle that she survived. 1,382,400 Frenchmen were killed and 3,594,889 were wounded terribly. 12.5% of the population of France, mostly between the ages of 20 and 35, and all of the men, would never work again and instead of adding to the economy, would drain it. The French wanted Germany to pay a ridicules amount of money to make up for the war, they wanted to make the Rhineland (the area that borders France) and make it into a separate state, and a buffer zone, and they wanted Germany to admit that the whole war was their fault. The British wanted to see Germany punished for the war, but they didn't want them to be crippled forever. They wanted Germany to recover so that they could become a useful trading partner again. In the end, Britain persuaded the other two powers to compromise. The treaty wasn't as harsh as the French wanted, and not as lenient as the Americans wanted. And therein lies the irony, if the Americans had had their way there wouldn't have been so much German resentment, and if the French had had their way Germany would probably have been to weak to go to war in '39. You could argue that Britain, in trying to find a compromise to fit all helped the war along. On the other hand, France and America were at each other's throats over the terms of the treaty, and if Britain hadn't helped them to reach a middle ground, things could have gone a lot worse. Anyway, despite good intentions, three different opinions all trying to work with each other meant that sensible policies had to be abandoned and foolish ones put in just to appease the others. People quote Foch in calling 1919-1939 a twenty year truce because, in retrospect, the treaty seemed bound to break down.

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