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A fulcrum is used for the simplest of all machines - the lever.

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Q: What Is A Fulcrum Used For?
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How is fulcrum used?

A Fulcrum supports Seasaws

What is the fulcrum of a hammer claw?

The outer curve of the claw is used as the fulcrum.

What simple machines is a fulcrum used for?

A fulcrum is used for the simplest of all machines - the lever.

The fix point of a lever is called a?

The fixed point of a lever is called the fulcrum. A lever is a beam connected by a hinge, or pivot, called a fulcrum. A lever is used to amplify the applied force.

What a fulcrum is used to support a?


What is Falcrum?

fulcrum is a machine. it has an inter technology that can supervise you on tasks. a fulcrum is mostly used by scientists. (falcrum) is not the right way to spell. its original organisational is fulcrum*

Does an hourglass have a fulcrum?

No. But it can have an axis ... used to invert it.

Fulcrum in a sentence?

A Fulcrum is a simple machine invented by the greek mathematician Archimedes who theorized that with a large enough fulcrum one could move the Earth. As for use in a sentance? Here ya go. Archimedes used a fulcrum to lift the earth.

What happens when the fulcrum is further from the load?

The closer the load is to the fulcrum the greater the mechanical advantage. The closer to the fulcrum, the less the load moves when the lever is used.

What is a support called on a lever?

inclined plane

An oar used to row a boat has a handle 160 cm from the fulcrum and the blade 40 cm from the fulcrum What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the oar?


Point around which a lever rotates?

The fulcrum. A Lever is a rigid rod to which a force can be applied to overcome a resistance. The point at which a lever pivots is called the fulcrum.