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Q: What Is The Difference Between Arthritis And goitre?
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What is the difference between simple goitre and exothalamic goitre?

SIMPLE Goitre:1) Caused due to under secretion of thyroid gland. 2)Symptoms :Disproportionate swelling of the neck. Exothalamic Goitre:1)Caused due to hyper secretion of thyroid gland. 2)Symptoms:protruding eyes.

What is difference between reumatoid arthritis and polymayglia?

Same thing

What is the difference between traumatic arthritis and degenerative arthritis?

No, they appear pretty much exactly the same way as dark shadows called' hot spots'. The history of the patient is what makes the difference in making the diagnosis. For example: If one claims to have injured the area in the past then a doctor may diagnose traumatic arthritis. If one does not claim previous injury to the area then a doctor may diagnose degenerative arthritis.

What causes goitre?

goitre is less of iodine percent in our body

When did Roberto Goitre die?

Roberto Goitre died in 1980.

When was Roberto Goitre born?

Roberto Goitre was born in 1927.

What is the difference between arthritis and seronegative arthritis?

Arthritis comes in over a hundred different forms. However when referring to rheumatoid arthritis a blood test is done the checks for rheumatoid factor (RF). In about 70to 80% of cases rheumatoid arthritis will be accompanied by a positive RF. However in the rest of the cases where all indicators point to Rheumatoid arthritis and where no RF is found it is referred to a seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the deffence from and arthritis and rheumatiod?

There is not difference between arthritis and rheumatoid. Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis.There is a difference between osteoarthritis (the main form of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear or trauma to a joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where your immune system begins to attack your joints.

Is cauliflower good for arthritis?

No it makes no difference.

What is the difference between arthritis and arthralgia?

Arthralgia refers to joint pain, whereas arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints. Swollen joints can be painful, stiff, and difficult to move. Arthralgia can be a symptom of arthritis or can be the result of an injury, disease, or infection. Children can also experience arthralgia as they grow.

Is goitre a good indicater of iodine deficiency?

The goitre is used as a biological marker for iodine deficiency. Goitre manifestation indicates that other damaging effects of iodine deficiency are already present.

Is goitre an acute and non infectious?

goitre is an acute and non-infectious disease