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In the story of The Giver, childhood is characterized by innocence, ignorance of the harsh realities of the world, and lack of individuality. Children are sheltered from emotional and physical pain, as well as the truth about their society's strict rules and limitations. They undergo a structured upbringing that stifles personal choice and creativity in favor of conformity and obedience.

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Q: What Is the childhood IN the story of The Giver?
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"The Giver" is a novel by Lois Lowry. In the story, the Giver does not have a wife.

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The word "inconsiderate" does not appear in the book "The Giver." It is possible that it may not be used in the context of the story.

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Two cliches in "The Giver" are "ignorance is bliss" and "the grass is always greener on the other side." These cliches are reflected in the themes of the story, particularly in the idea of sacrificing personal freedoms for the illusion of a perfect society.

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In The Giver, the children are named Jonas and Lily. Jonas is the protagonist of the story, while Lily is his younger sister.

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Because of sameness

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At the end of the story Jonas and Gabe reach elsewhere

Who is the most important elder in The Giver?

The most important elder in "The Giver" is the Receiver of Memory, who at the time of the story is the character known as The Giver. He holds the memories of the past and advises the community's leaders.

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go buy the book