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Q: What Is used in the process of hydrolysis?
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What is used during hydrolysis to break down a bond?

Hydrolysis. It's Significant Power Lies in the Fact that this Process is Reversible.

Is hydrolysis a mechanical or chemical?

Hydrolysis is a chemical process.

What is the process that uses water to break down a polymer called?

the process that is used to break down water is by passing a electrical current through it ,it is called electrolysis.

What type of chemical reaction occurs when polymers are broken apart by water?

Hydrolysis. Polymers are broken down into monomers in a process known as hydrolysis

Are Carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is the decomposition using water. Yes carbohydrates are converted to energy by the process of hydrolysis. Polysaccharides are complex sugars.

Is hydrolysis an acid?

Hydrolysis is a process of breaking the bonds in a water molecule into their component gases, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrolysis is not an acid.

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Breaking down polysaccharides occurs through a process called what?

Hydrolysis is the process that breaks down polysaccharides into simpler sugars.

What word is used to describe the process that uses water to break apart a large molecule?


Disaccharides are converted into monosaccharides by the process of?

Hydrolysis is the process that breaks down polysaccharides into simpler sugars.

Process is happening in this reaction?

Dehydration. hydrolysis

What monomers are produced from hydrolysis?

Monomers are not joined together by the process of hydrolysis. Dehydration synthesis, or condensation reaction is the process of chemically joining monomers.