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Q: What Jesus shed for our sins?
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What Jesus shed for your sins?

he shed his blood for us and they killed him

Why does santa have the color red and white?

Red is the blood that Jesus shed and white is when Jesus purifies our sins.

How can sins be forgiven?

Through a confession of them to The Father Through Jesus Christ and His shed blood, which is the atonement(payment) for our transgressions.

What is the inexhaustible source of forgiveness of sins?

The inexhaustible source of forgiveness of sins is God's unconditional love and grace through Jesus Christ. Through repentance and faith in Him, we can receive forgiveness for our sins, no matter how many times we fail. God's forgiveness is infinite and freely available to all who seek it.

What is the blood atonement?

The Blood Atonement is where Jesus Christ shed his blood so that we could be cleansed of our sins. This allows us to get into heaven.

Petition prayer for BornAgain?

"Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, I acknowledge I am a sinner in need of salvation, come into my heart, clean me of my sins by the shed blood of Jesus according to your grace and mercy in Christ Jesus amen."

What is the Last Supper depicting?

Jesus, as our Passover (see 1 Corinthians 5:7). The Feast Day was given to the Israelites as a memorial pointing to Jesus as animal blood cannot forgive sins but the shed blood of Jesus can and does.

What will Jesus do with our sins?

Jesus has washed all our sins away.

Who forgives sins God or Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the only one that can forgive sins. Because Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, he was able to die in our place on the cross. We should have been the one to pay for our sins, but Jesus did it. He said it is finished. He can forgive our sins if we repent of our sins and put our faith in the work that Jesus completed on the cross.

What is Easter's meaning?

Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood so we could have a better relationship withGod. The blood of Jesus washes away all our sins giving us a fresh start. Then when Jesus rises from the dead we can also start a new and betterrelationship with him.

What is the key belief for Christianity?

The key to Christianity is that Jesus shed his blood and died for the sins of all humankind and that EVERYONE who accepts this will be forgiven all his or her sins, be restored as a child of God and have everlasting life. Christian life is more than this, but everything follows calling upon the name of Jesus (aloud) and be saved first.

When Jesus died for your sins what was made possible?

When Jesus died for our sins, salvation was made possible.