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Q: What Loosens and breaks down mucus?
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Maak slym los

How does steaming help in improving a congested nose?

It breaks down some of the mucus and can ease symtoms of inflamation

How do you get rid of excessive musus?

Drink lots of water. Water loosens the mucus and helps you to cough it up.

Why salt is important in salt gargle?

That is because of osmosis . To kill the bacteria we need it . It also loosens mucus

What is the use of mucolite syrup?

It breaks down thick mucus, a sticky substance produced by cells lining the respiratory tract, facilitates its expulsion thus clearing the airways.

An agent that breaks apart mucus is called a?

Mucolytic agent. It helps to reduce the thickness and stickiness of mucus, making it easier to expel from the body.

What chemical breaks down wax?

What breaks down wax

What breaks down food into what that cells can absorb What breaks down food?

1.) What breaks down food into what that cells can absorb what breaks down food ? The answer is B wich is Digestion . = Lexy.B

What enzyme breaks down carbohydrates?

Several. * Amylase breaks down starch to simpler sugar * sucrase breaks down sucrose to glucose * maltase breaks down maltose to glucose

What enzyme breaks down RNA?

Ribonuclease breaks down RNA

Do you need mucus?

You need mucus to allow food and liquids to slide smoothly down your esophagus.

What is a class or group of enzymes that break down carbohydrates?

Carbohydrase breaks down starch-Amylase breaks down glucose into fructose (sweeter; useful for diabetics)-Isomerase breaks down proteins-Protease breaks down fats-Lipase