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Q: What Nutrition value in shell vs shelled sesame seeds?
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Are poinciana seeds edible?

yes boil seeds then peel off shell then roast/fry with salt curry powder in sesame oil

What if a shelled mollusk lost its shell?

they would have less protection.

What are mollusks called with one shell or none?

a one shelled mollusk

What protozoan can push a pseudopod through a hole a shell?

shelled protozoans.

Why do seeds have a shell?

It protects the seeds

Why do some paua not have a shell?

Actually all Paua has a shell, the only ones that don't have been de-shelled by man.

What nutrient is composed mainly in an egg shell?

what nutrition does a egg shell contain

What is the spiral shelled animal called?

The spiral shelled mollusk that many people know these days are the snail it is a spiral shell to protect this animal from its prey.

What would happen if shelled mollucks lost there shell?

They would have less protection from predators! (plato)

Can you eat soybean shell?

you can but does not have much nutrition value.

What is the function of the mantle of a clam?

The mantle of a clam protects the clam from sunlight in shelled mollusks, the mantle is the organ that forms the shell, and adds to the shell to increase its size and strength as the animal grows.

How do they make shell-less sunflower seeds?

Well they first start by soaking the seeds in human urine to moisten the shell so it is easier for the shell to be cracked off. Next, you lubricate it with vaseline or any lubricant really, after that suck them hard baby then the shell will pop off and you can roast the seeds until your hearts content. :DD