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Q: What Organelle of plant cells examples include chloroplast and chromoplast?
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What must a plant have for photosynthesis to occur?

Important plant organelle called plastid (chloroplast, chromoplast, etc.) are needed for photosynthesis to occur. These organelles stores various types of pigments, such as chloroplast and carotenoids which take in light and begin photosynthesis.

What are 3 general types of plastids?

Plastids include leucoplasts, chromoplasts, chloroplasts, and geontoplasts. Plastids are colored pigments that are found in most plant cell structures in the cytoplasmic matrix.

What are some examples of Multicellular organisms?

bears and frogs. By the way the answer above is completely unscientific this is the real answer examples of Multicellular Organisms include Amoeba,Vacuole and Chloroplast.

What is an example of an organelle?

Some examples of organelles include the: Mitochondria Nucleus Nucleolus Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi Apparatus

Part of chloroplast?

roshelle mesina love alberto The parts of Chloroplast are - Stroma and grana.

What is the function of each special structure of the plant cell?

Special structures of plant cells are specific organelles that are not in both plant and animal cells, but only plant. These would include the Cell wall, and the Chloroplast. The Cell wall's job is to protect the cell from its environment. The Chloroplast is the organelle that gives the plant its green color.

What does the word grana mean?

The word grana has two meanings. A grana can be one of the components of a chloroplast in a plant. A grana can also refer to Italian cheese of a hard, mature consistency. Examples of grana cheese include Parmesan and Romano.

What is one organelle found in a plant cell but not animal cells?

Chlorophyll is the only organelle that exists in plant cells and not animal cells.

Animal and plant cell differences?

1) Plant cells have cell wall which is absent in animal cell. 2) Plant cell lack centrioles whereas animal cells have centrioles.

What are three organelles of the plant cell?

Organelles of a plant cell include ribosomes, golgi bodies, mitochondria, chloroplast etc.

Which are examples of stroids?

Examples of steroids include Nandrolone, Stanozolol, and Oxandrolone.

Name 4 microscopic things?

Anything that is 'microscopic' can only be observed with the aid of a microscope and cannot be directly observed with the naked eye. Examples include microorganisms (any unicellular organism, single cells, molecules, atoms, etc.)