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There are several different ways to output text on the screen in PHP two of the most common are echo and print.

echo "Hello World!";

print ("Hello World!");

Would both print ...

Hello World!

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Q: What PHP statement outputs text on the screen?
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The incremental operator increases the variable by 1. See the example below: <?php $number = 10; $number++; echo $number; // outputs 11 ?>

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Well it got nothing to do with PHP, you going to need JavaScript to do that :)

How do you check the length of a string in PHP?

It is fairly simple to check the length of a string in PHP. All you need to do is use the function strlen(). Below is an example of how it is used. <?php $my_text = "Hello"; echo strlen($my_text); // outputs 5 ?>

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A predefined function can reverse a string as shown below:echo strrev('pizza'); // outputs: azzip