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The only radioactive isotope worth mentioning is carbon-14 (14C), which is believed to represent 0.0000000001% of the total carbon mass in the entire atmosphere.

The others are either very stable (12C and 13C, for instance), or so unstable they barely are noticed before decaying (8C has a half-life of 1.98739x10−21 seconds).

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What is the half- life of radioactive carbon?

Carbon-14 or 14C, which is a radioactive isotope of carbon, has a half life of 5,700 years.

What does Radioactive carbon and stable carbon have in common?

Radioactive Carbon and stable Carbon both have the same number of protons and electrons. This means they both behave "chemically" the same way. For example, you can just as easily have Carbon Dioxide made from radioactive Carbon as stable Carbon.

Is carbon radioactive or non?

It depends on the isotope, of which carbon has three that occur naturally. Carbon-12 (about 99%) and carbon-13 (about 1%) are not radioactive; carbon-14 (trace amounts, maybe one part per trillion) is radioactive (beta decay into nitrogen-14) with a half-life of about 5700 years.

What is the radioactive form of carbon?

There are several radioactive forms of carbon. The most familiar, used in carbon dating, is carbon-14. All of the others have very short half-lives.Isotopes of carbon range from carbon-8 to carbon-22. Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable and non-radioactive. Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. The longest lived beyond that is carbon-11 at 20.3 minutes.

What is the effect of radioactive pollutions on humans?

Radioactive pollution causes cancer.

Does The amount of radioactive carbon in your body increases at the time of death?

The amount of radioactive carbon in the body is fixed at the time of death. After death, the carbon would the begin to decay.

What information is obtained from radioactive dating?

The age of an object that was once living.

Is carbon an stable element?

Carbon is non-radioactive excepting the isotope carbon-14.

What radioactive carbon isotope is used in dating fossils?


What kind of dating is Carbon-14 an example of?

Carbon-14 is an example of radioactive dating.

What is the name of the carbon isotope used in radioactive dating of artifacts?

Carbon-14 is the isotope used in radioactive dating of artifacts of organic origin.

Is carbon a natural radioactive element?

no... omg