

What Persephone may reside or dwell in?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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In Hades, the Underworld.

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Q: What Persephone may reside or dwell in?
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What language does Persephone speak?

Languages may "die" out, with the speakers, and the speakers are mortal - but Persephone is Queen of the Underworld where all dead dwell. Thus, language is no limit to Persephone who may learn any language the dead had known.

What monster did Persephone kill?

None: Persephone was a goddess of the Underworld, where monsters dwell, not a goddess of killing monsters.

Where was Persephone's area inhabited?

The Underworld, where Persephone is Queen, is the House of Hades - where the dead souls dwell, and where monsters abide.

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abide, dwell, endure

How did Persephone interact with Humans?

Persephone was celebrated by humans as the return of Spring, and hailed as Queen of the Underworld where the dead dwell after the living died.

Was Persephone involved in any war?

No: but all who die - in war or otherwise - come to dwell in the Underworld, where Queen Persephone and King Hades rule.

What are all of the synonyms for dwell?

Inhabit, sojourn, occupy, reside, settle.

Where there any monsters or heroes Persephone encountered?

Persephone, being Queen of the Underworld, dwells where Islands of the Blessed (where the heroes dwell after death) and Elysian paradise is - she also lives where such monsters as Cerberus guard the gates/house of Hades, and other monsters dwell.

What do reside or dwell mean?

The noun forms of the verb 'reside' are resident, residence, and the gerund, residing.Examples:I reside in a small house. (verb)I am the resident of a small house. (noun)This small house is my residence. (noun)

What is some information about Persephone?

Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, when Hades obtained the permission of Zeus, he took Persephone below to the Underworld without her permission or her mothers: Persephone further ate of the pomegranate seeds and this tied her to the Underworld, Zeus then decreed that for half the year Persephone would dwell in the Underworld with Hades, and the other half with her mother Demeter on the earth.