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Q: What Planet experiences tidal effects created by the sun?
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Which planet experiences tidal effects created by the sun?


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Are tides influenced by the moon or gravitation?

It's infulenced by Tidal Forces. The Moon mainly effects tides because they have strong tidal forces due to the fact that it is the closest moon or planet (as far as we know) to the Earth.

What effects does exercise have on tidal volume?

The effects that exercise have on tidal volume is that they cause an increase to in tidal volume. This is due to the faster breathing in which allows the lungs to bring in more oxygen.

Why does Jersey CI have such a large tidal range?

The large tidal range in Jersey is mainly due to its geographical location in the English Channel, which experiences strong tidal currents. The funnel shape of the channel amplifies the tidal effects, resulting in a significant difference between high and low tides. Additionally, the island's relatively shallow waters further enhance the tidal range.

When was Tidal Moon created?

Tidal Moon was created in 1938-12.

When was Tidal - album - created?

Tidal - album - was created on 1996-07-23.

When was Tidal Eyes created?

Tidal Eyes was created on 2009-07-14.

When was Tanganyika Tidal Wave created?

Tanganyika Tidal Wave was created in 1989.

When was Tidal Wave of Blood created?

Tidal Wave of Blood was created in 2010-11.

What is the history of tidal energy?

tidal energy is created by turbines that does make tidal power

What causes synchronous rotation?

This is the answer------ A massive planet exerts a tidal force on a moon that causes the moon to align itself such that its tidal bulges always point toward and away from the planet.