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Q: What Plants that are in common in cold climates?
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What type of plants is common in cold climatecs?

There are lots of plants that grow in cold climates, here is a few of them! Broccoli, Cabbage, Collards, Kale, & Turnips. There are also some flowers that can handle the cold including: Perennials, Camellia Sasanqua, Chinese Juniper, & Honeysuckle. Let's not forget evergreen trees! Hope this helps you out a bit!

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What do japan and Canada have in common?

they are both big and have high population

Why do plants live in hot climate?

Usualy hot climates have alot of sunlight and some plants need a lot of sun along with water soil and air please correct me if I am wrong but I belive.that is why plants live in hot climates and also if it is to cold some plants may die...

Can snakes live in cold climates?

They can live in cold climates if they bury themselves in the ground.

Why do some plants die when it gets cold?

Some plants are adapted to cold temperatures and survival through snow and frost; others plants that originate in more temperate areas are not able to withstand snow or frost and will die. Plants which normally grow in cold climates have mechanisms as well as chemical "anti-freeze" to prevent them being damaged or killed in cold weather

What plants live in dry climates?

Xerophytes: plants that are adapted to live in very dry climates

Why are cold desert climates drier than hot desert climates?

they cold bec of what is under it the mantle is veryt cold that why

Do bobcats live in hot or cold weather?

They live in cold climates. They prefer living in cold climates, but they can be found in hot climates. Bobcats are just slightly more scarce there.

How common is the Bartonella henselae bacterium in cold climates?

Bartonella henselae is uncommon or absent in cold climates, which fleas have difficulty tolerating, but prevalent in warm, humid places such as Memphis, Tennessee, where antibodies were found in 71% of the cats tested.