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omyte and kabuto

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Q: What Pokemon card does mysterious fossil turn into?
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Where do can you turn in your fossil in Pokemon black?

You can turn in your fossil in the Nacrene museum. Speak to the lady on the right. There, the lady will change the fossil to a pokemon!

What pokemon does the Dome Fossil turn into in Pokemon FireRed?

The Dome Fossil can be revived into the pokemon kabuto.

Which Pokemon does the root fossil turn in to?

It turns into Lileep

Which Pokemon need claw fossil to evolve?

none you take the fossil to the museum and talk to the person there. he will turn it into a pokemon called kabuto

Can you breed fossil Pokemon?

Yes, but the fossil Pokemon has to be female, or the egg will turn out to be the OTHER Pokemon. (Eg Female tympole and male Tirtouga = baby tympole)

What does the claw fossil do?

if you go to a fossil museum in any of the games they will take a day to turn that stone from a extinct pokemon into a pokemon that was extinct but not anymore but i dont know what pokemon that is

Where is the fossil shop in heart gold and soul silver?

Theres a guy in the pewter museum who will turn your fossil into pokemon.

How do you use the plume fossil in Pokemon black?

you must go to the second or third gym (with the museum in it) and talk to the person on the right when you enter. she will turn your fossil into a pokemon.

List of which fossils turn to which Pokemon?

skull fossil: Cranidos Armour: Sheildon

How do you turn a dome fossil into kabuto in Pokemon platinuim?

Go to the museum in Orebrough.

Can you turn a Pokemon shiny?

no, you buy the card like that.

What fossils turn into what Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

okay the root fossil is lileep. The claw fossil is anorith. The helix fossil is omanyte. The dome fossil is kabuto. The old amber fossil is aerodactyl. The helmet fossil is shieldon. The shield fossil is cranidos. Good luck finding the fossils. no cranidos is skull fossil and you can only get shieldon in pearl and sheildon is the armor fossil