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There are several STDs that may show no signs or symptoms (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea trich); it just depends on a persons immune system and general health.

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Q: What STD usually has no symptoms in females?
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Can you have symptoms of an STD the same day of oral?

No. When you acquire an STD it usually takes at a minimum 3 days for any symptoms to appear (depending on the disease). Probably just sore/red/swollen from relative over-use.

Visit an STD Clinic?

form_title=Visit an STD Clinic form_header=An STD clinic can test for a variety of diseases. What are the symptoms you are experiencing?=_ How long have you had the symptoms?=_ Are you currently sexually active?= () Yes () No

What are the early symptoms of an std?

The early signs of an std vary depending on which std it is. There may be itching, pain, trouble urinating, a foul smell or any number of other symptoms present to alert you to a problem. Anything abnormal should not be ignored.

Can you have symptoms like an STD but not have one?

Yes. Even a rash accompanied by itching could seem to be an STD and just be a simple rash.

What STD is similar to the symptoms of a UTI?

Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all cause some of the same symptoms as UTI.

When does hemochromatosis usually appear?

between the ages of 40-60 years, since it takes many years for the body to accumulate excessive iron. Symptoms appear later in females than in males--usually after menopause.

Which std has symptoms similar to a yeast infection?

Both trichomoniasis and herpes can cause genital irritation.

What are the symptoms of chlamydia in a female with a hysterectomy?

Like other females, 80-90% of females with a hysterectomy will have no symptoms from chlamydia. If a woman with a total hysterectomy has chlamydia, she may be infected in the urethra and may have painful urination.

What are the symptoms in adults male and females when they reach puberty?

The first symptoms are the increase in testis size. in girls it is onset of periods.

How long does it take azithromycin to clear all symptoms of chlamydia in females?

Acute symptoms of chlamydia in females will go away within a couple of weeks of completing treatment. If chlamydia cause caused scarring and damage via PID, symptoms may be chronic and lifelong.

What happens when a STD is not treated?

there are several things that could happan if you ignor an std,firstly you could become ill ,even without any symptoms and secondly your body could get worse

What STD can cause white spots on your tongue?

White spots on the tongue is one of the symptoms of HIV. Rapid weight loss and a dry cough are also HIV symptoms.