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Chlamydia and gonorrhea will make a man sterile.

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Q: What STDs affect future fertility in males?
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Can cervicitis cause cancer?

Cervicitis does not cause cancer. Typical causes of cervicitis are STDs, so treatment is important. STDs that cause cervicitis can sometimes affect future fertility.

Can chlamydia affect ovulation?

No. There are no STDs that affect the release of an egg from the ovary. Some STDs can cause scarring that can interfere with movement of the egg through the fallopian tube.

How do STDs affect your health?

Having a STD will negatively affect the immune system.

Can you get aids or stds from getting t-bagged?

by this you mean putting the males genitles on a females/males face, no. there must be blood to blood contact.

How do gay males get stds?

Come on, the same way heterosexuals do. By having sex with a person that has a STD.

Do SDTs affect you in Fable 2?

First, they're called STDs. Second, no.

What if you had chlamydia for five years?

If you had chlamydia for a long period, you may have experienced complications of chlamydia such as pelvic inflammatory disease or epididymitis. Most people with chlamydia do not experience long-term complications. Talk to your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Does drinking sperm effect your unborn child. If so how?

No. So long as the consumed sperm is from a healthy man with no STDs, it will not affect your unborn child.

Why is it important to know how to prevent sexual transmitted diseases STDs?

some stds may cause cancer stds areexpensive to manage some stds can cause death

How did the decline of the Soviet Union affect USSR?

The economy was starting to get worse, drugs and stds were becoming common, gorbachevs reforms really were the biggest factor.

Can you get herpes from someone on drugs?

You can get herpes from someone who has the infection. It can affect drug users and abstainers.

What is the primary means of transmissions of STDs?

The cause of STDs is unprotected sex.