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In The Taming of the Shrew, Act III Scene 2, Mr. Minola complains about Petruchio's clothing, and calls him an eye-sore. Shakespeare also used the word in his poem The Rape of Lucrece, as follows:

"Yea, though I die, the scandal will survive,
And be an eye-sore in my golden coat;
Some loathsome dash the herald will contrive,
To cipher me how fondly I did dote;
That my posterity, shamed with the note
Shall curse my bones, and hold it for no sin
To wish that I their father had not bin."

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Q: What Shakespeare play does the word eyesore come from?
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Where did the word puke come from?

William Shakespeare was the first to use the word "puke" in writing. (in As You Like It: "the infant, mewling and puking in the nurse's arms") There is a record of the word "pukishness" from 1581 which shows that it may have been a word before Shakespeare used it.