

What Small pox and chicken pox?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What Small pox and chicken pox?
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Why is smallpox called smallpox if they are big boils?

Small pox and chicken pox are to different things! Please do not confuse them, chicken pox are a minor virous that people today get. Small pox on the other hand is a very dangerous thing that may led to death if not treated. It's not as dangerous and does not effect people like it did...but they are not the same thing i think that's a joke or somethin. no body calls small pox chicken pox

Do you have blisters with smallpox?

This is very good question! Now there is no small pox. Before eradication of the small pox, there used to be confusion between the small pox and chicken pox. The blisters of smallpox typically used to be uniformly erupted at a time. The eruptions of chicken pox comes up in crops. The eruptions of small pox used to come from the basal layer of the skin. So there used to be scars all over the body of the patient, who used to survive the attack of the disease. The chicken pox does not leave the scar in normal course, unless there is secondary bacterial infection. The disease used to be more in severity as compared to chicken pox.

What viruses have DNA?

variola virus[cause small pox],varicella virus[cause chicken pox]

What is the pathogen of cowpox?

Causative agent for small pox are two virus varients ,Variola major and Variola minor.

What diseases were in Bergen-Belsen besides typhus and typhoid?

According to my research small pox nemonic measles chicken pox and many more.

Is chicken pox a Protozoa?

Is chicken pox is a protozoa a virus a bacteria or a fungus

What does chicken pox contain?

The cause of a chicken pox infection is the varicella-zoster virus.

Is chicken pox a proper noun?

It is a noun (chicken pox is the name of a specific disease).

Can you die with chicken pocs?

If you have a friend or a family member who has chicken pox, there is good news. You cannot die with chicken pox.

Is it possible for teenagers to get chickenpox?

Why not? Once in a while you get the old patients with chicken pox. Even the adults can get chicken pox occasionally. Chicken pox tend to be severe as the age advances.

What are three beneficial diseases?

They might be any of the diseases which generate immunity inside your body for future attacks, like small pox, chicken pox, measles, etc.

What are community health problem?

We all know that community diseases starts with overpopulation. It can spread the flu and if you have an open wound you can get things like small pox or chicken pox