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Q: What Southern states attempted to break away from the union because of Andrew Jacksons policies. This is known as?
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because she was not his friend

Why is Andrew jacksons face on the 20bill?

Because he was our 20th president.

What is Andrew jacksons known for?

He is known for fighting in the army ,and because he was the President!

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Because it's private.

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Because he wanted to

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no because

In the election of 1828 who provided support for the Andrew Jacksons election?

because he was a common man that's what voters thought ?

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Yes, because the "intent" to do bodily harm existed and you "attempted" to carry it out.

Why the union and the confederacy went to war?

Because the southern states considered themselves as sovereign and capable of running their own business. The northern states attempted to push the south into doing what the north wanted, and so the south began seceding.

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because everybody voted on the democratic side which is, jacksons.

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Filipino forefathers suffered from Spanish policies due to forced labor, taxation, land seizures, and cultural suppression. These policies aimed to exploit resources and control the local population to serve Spanish interests in the Philippines.

How did the french influence the settlement of Texas?

The French attempts made the Spanish more strict, because they didn't want to lose land. Their policies adjusted to cut off trade with the French, and they attempted to push the French out. They also started settling further, and using military force.