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What type of boundary occurs between the max a plate and the South American plate?

Convergent on the western perimeter, divergent on the Easter perimeter.

What type of motion occurred between the two plates?

A convergent boundary can form between two plates and a divergent boundary can be created between two plates, then two plates rubbing together create earthquakes, many are very minor. A convergent boundary is two plates pushing together to form a mountain, hill, or volcano. Divergent plates move apart and create canyons and stuff.

What is the boundary between two plates that move apart?

divergent boundary

Which boundary do two plates pull apart?

Divergent plate boundary

The area where two neighboring tectonic plates move away from one another is called an areas boundary?

A divergent boundary is an area where two neighboring tectonic plates move away from one another. It can also be called a divergent plate boundary, constructive boundary or extensional boundary.

What is is the boundary when two plates that are moving apart?

It is called a divergent plate boundary.

What is a Divergent plate boundary and what happens?

A divergent boundary is where two tectonic plates move away from each-other.

What is a boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other?

divergent boundary

What are two tectonic plates pulling away called?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

Insterting facts about divergent boundaries?

Divergent Boundaries - A boundary between two lithoperic plates that are moving apart .

What two tectonic plates are pulling away pulling away?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

What are diverging bounderies?

a divergent boundary is where two of earth plates are moving