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Q: What Trojan escaped the Trojan War and who helped him?
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How did the trojan war help the people of ancient Greece understand their history?

The Trojan war helped Greece build the historical buildings which helped then understand their history.

What was the gift the Greeks gave to the Trojans that helped them win the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse

How did Poseidon act during the Trojan war?

he helped odysseus

What happened to virgil in the Trojan war?

Nothing. Virgil was a Roman writer who wrote about the events following the Trojan War, specifically the journey of Aeneas (a Trojan hero who barely escaped the burning of his city and eventually went on to found a fairly unremarkable city called Rome). Virgil was writing centuries after the Trojan War, so nothing happened to him during said war.

What gods helped the Greeks?

In the Trojan War Athena was the main helper of the Greeks.

Why did the Trojan war take long to end?

The Trojan war took a long time to end as Troy had a huge strong walland the gods helped both sides.

Who was the Trojan warrior that escaped the destruction of troy?


Which gods were involved in the Trojan War?

Greeks: Hera Poseidon Athena Hephaetus Hermes These gods and goddesses helped the greeks in the trojan war! Trojans: Apollo Artemus Aphrodite Ares These gods were on the trojans' side! hope this helped xD

What did Thetis do in the Trojan war?

Thetis largely helped her son Achilles achive his wish of glory.

What are other stories involved around Poseidon?

Poseidon helped the Greeks win the Trojan War

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