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President Truman fired General Douglas Macarthur.

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Q: What US Army General wanted to use nuclear weapons in the Korean War and got fired by the President for it?
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What president wanted to use atomic bombs to end the Korean war?

It wasn't a president, it was a general. The president fired the general and refused to authorize use of nuclear weapons.

Were nuclear weapons used in the Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the korean war

How was the use of nuclear weapons involved in Korean war?

No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

Has North Korea used nuclear weapons?

Not during the Korean war...

Are Korean nuclear weapons pointed at America?

No their weapons are currently pointed at Seoul. The capital of South Korea

Truman and MacArthur disagreed about what during the Korean war?

because they both wanted to go to El Salvador ( the best country in the world)

Which president approved the use of nuclear weapon against Korea?

None. In the Korean War General MacArthur requested authorization. President Truman not only turned him down but also fired him!

Who wanted to Nuke China during the Korean war?

There were individuals within the United States government, such as General Douglas MacArthur and some officials in the State Department, who advocated for the use of nuclear weapons against China during the Korean War. However, President Harry S. Truman and other top military officials considered the idea too risky and rejected it.

Why was general mac arthur removed as commander of us forces in Korea?

Primarily for provocative statements he made, threatening the use of nuclear weapons against the Chinese and North Korean forces.

What did general Douglas argue about the Korean war?

General MacArthur wanted nothing short of total war. He proposed to conquer North Korea, then push into China and use Nuclear Weapons to subdue resistance. This would have very likely drawn the USSR into the war, and could have escalated into a nuclear exchange.

What can you learn from the Korean War?

That in the atomic age (atomic weapons) only limited wars can be fought. Nuclear weapons would mean total war.

Which Military general was fired by the president during the Korean War?

General McArthur