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Q: What US companies does China own?
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How many US companies are in China?


What us companies are owned by china?

AMC Theaters

What is the relationship and importance of China to the US?

The relationship between the US and the Peoples Republic of China is one of being good trading partners with each other. US companies contract with Chinese companies to produce US products in China. The favorable worker wages in China allows for US companies to sell their products made in China, such as computers to a worldwide market base. On the diplomatic side, the peace between the US and China helps keep stability in the Far East.

What businesses does China own in the US?

sam zhang

List of US Multinational companies in China?

1. Reebok 2. Nike

How much does china own of the united states?

Difficult to say - I suspect that the question may be 'how much of the US doesn't China own!

Does US own the world?

Yes, and China owns the USA

What us companies are own by foreigners?

They want some dick

Does China own Taiwan?

It is in fact true that China does own many US military assets and marketing assets. The US is also in debt to China. The reason this hasen't taken effect yet because China hasen't asked for payment yet.

Which Foreign companies manufacture in China?

Their are hundreds of foreign companies that are manufacturing in China. It is due to those companies, China has risen. To name a few fro mthe4 hundreds of companies for manufacturing in China are Volkswagen, Isuzu, Boeing, etc.

Are most things made in china and why?

Yes. The Chinese people are very poor and will work for almost nothing. Companies based in the US and Europe take advantage of this and have their products made in China. The companies then distribute their products in the US and Europe for a high price and make a massive profit.

What would happen to china if the us stopped trading with them?

LOL..Not to much as China financially owns the US. We depend on their products. look at all that you buy and own. Most of our daily products are made in ...China