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I hear that it's UW- Stout. That's where I go so I think that's probably pretty accurate.

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Q: What Wisconsin collage has the highest std rate?
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What college has the highest STD rate in california?

Chico state

What college has the highest STD rate in pennsylvania?

According to a study conducted by Phillip Morris B.S. of South Harmon Institute of Technology, Indiana University-Bloomington has the highest rate of STD's amongst college students. Studies show that 3 of every 5 male students and 4 of every 5 female students has reported an STD. Although these results seem shocking there is at least 90% of cases that go unreported.

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The rate of people affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in Louisiana is relatively high. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data for 2019, Louisiana had the second-highest rate of reported STD cases in the United States. It is important to note that this rate may vary among different STDs and population groups within the state.

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Sort the products in ascending order of sales. All the lowest selling products will be at the top of the list while all the highest selling products will be at the bottom. Here's a simplified example: #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> struct product { std::string name; // name of product unsigned sales; // number of sales }; int main (void) { std::vector<product> products; products.push_back {{"apples", 42}}; products.push_back {{"bananas", 6}}; products.push_back {{"carrots", 12}}; products.push_back {{"dates", 6}}; std::sort (products.begin(), products.end(), [](const product& a, const product& b) {return a.sales<b.sales;} unsigned lowest = products.front().sales; unsigned highest = products.front().sales; std::cout<<"Lowest selling item(s):\n"; for (auto item : products) if (item.sales == lowest) std::cout<<<<'\n'; std::cout<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Highest selling item(s):\n"; for (auto item : products) if (item.sales == highest) std::cout<<<<'\n'; std::cout<<std::endl; }

What is variable manufacturing overhead variance?

Act. Hr x (Std. Rate - Act. Rate) actual hours times standart rate minus actual rate

What is variable manufacturing overhead spending variance?

Act. Hr x (Std. Rate - Act. Rate) actual hours times standart rate minus actual rate

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Use an associative container such as std::set and enumerate in reverse order, or supply a predicate that sorts in descending order such as std::greater<T> (default is std::less<T>).

What is the call rate in BSNL Landlines per minute for local calls?

Its 1 rupee.. both std and local calls

How do you write tax calculation source code in c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<sstream> double enter_number (std::string& prompt) { double result {}; std::string input {}; while (1) { std::cout << prompt; std::cin >> input; std:stringstream ss; ss << input; if (ss >> result) break; std::cerr << "Invalid input: " << input << std::endl; } return result; } int main() { double amount, tax_rate, tax, total, ; amount = enter_number ("Enter amount ($): "); tax_rate = enter_number ("Enter tax rate (%): "); tax = amount * tax_rate; total = amount + tax; std::cout << "Tax ($): " << tax << std::endl; std::cout << "Total ($): " << total << std::endl; }