

What a 5 animal homonyms?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Her is a list with the animal listed first.

  • bear - bare
  • bee - be
  • boar (a type of pig) - bore
  • deer - dear
  • ewe (a female sheep) - you
  • flea - flee
  • hare (another name for rabbit) - hair
  • horse - hoarse
  • gorilla - guerrilla
  • gnu - new
  • lamb - lam
  • mare (a horse) - mayor
  • moose - mousse
  • toad - towed
  • whale - wail
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Homonyms: Bat (flying mammal) and bat (sports equipment) Bark (the sound a dog makes) and bark (outer covering of a tree) Tear (to rip) and tear (a drop of water from the eye) Match (to pair) and match (a stick for lighting fire) Rose (flower) and rose (past tense of rise) Homograph: Lead (to guide) and lead (a metal) Bow (to bend forward) and bow (a type of knot) Wind (to twist) and wind (moving air) Close (shut) and close (near) Row (a line) and row (to propel a boat using oars)

Give 5 example of homonyms and homographs?

Homonyms: 1) bark (sound a dog makes) and bark (outer covering of a tree), 2) bow (to bend forward) and bow (ribbon for decorating), 3) bat (flying mammal) and bat (sports equipment), 4) fair (just) and fair (event with rides), 5) jam (fruit preserve) and jam (traffic congestion). Homographs: 1) lead (to guide) and lead (metal), 2) tear (rip) and tear (drop from eye), 3) wound (injury) and wound (past tense of wind), 4) bow (reverence) and bow (knot tied with ribbon), 5) desert (abandon) and desert (arid land).

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