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Q: What a During a scientific experiment anything that may change in appearance or form is called a?
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What does the scientific term contol mean Muthaafhuqkas?

Bitchhh It Means anything that stays the same during the experiment Muthaafhuqkas

What do you call the steps you use during an experiment?

The Scientific Method

What describes the steps during a experiment?

the scientific method :D

What describes the the steps used during a experiment?

The scientific method

What part of a scientific experiment is the hypothesis?

The hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experiments. It is typically stated at the beginning of an experiment and serves as a basis for making predictions and designing the study.

How does a physicist ansewer a scientific question?

By taking measurements during an experiment

What is communicating during a scientific inquiry?

Communicating is sharing your discovery that you learned from your experiment through scientific inquiry.

What process do scientist use to solve a problem during a scientific experiment?

Scientists use the scientific method, which is:

Why is wafting used during a scientific experiment?

Wafting method is used in scientific experiments to avoid inhaling the chemical.

Where do you measured certain amount of liquid water for a science experiment in what units would it be expressed?

During any scientific procedure liquid anything is generally measured in milliliters, in a graduated cylinder.

What does the word data mean in scientific terms?

Information collected during research or an experiment.

What is the scientific term for the things you make sure don't change during a experiment?

I assume the term for something that is not changed during an experiment is called, the control. Any changes observed in the experiment, can be compare to the control, which is still be in the original form before the experiment began.