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cod fish live in salt water

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Q: What abiotic factor influence where a cod fish lives?
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Is a fish a abiotic or biotic?


What are the biotic and abiotic components of the lake?

abiotic components include temperature, forms of energy, water, inorganic nutrients and other chemicals.also non-living physical and chemical factors.

What are some abiotic factors in the ecosystem of a killer whale?

ocean can be abiotic factors of sea lions

What biotic factors have an influence on abiotic factors?

Humans. We build damns, which block streams which fish need for spawning. We dry up swamp land so we can build on it. The availability of water is an abiotic factor, and we remove the water so we can build.

Is rainfall in the coral reef ecosystem?

yes it is an abiotic factor because it will over flow the sea and then fish will die cuse they are out of water.

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How do organisms depend on abiotics?

Every organism depends on at least one abiotic factor. Fish depend on water to survive and animals not in water depend on air.

What roles do abiotic factors play in the survival of an ecosystem?

Abiotic factors play a very important role all factors play different roles but i will just give 2 basic examples Water: water is an abiotic factor but still fish thrive in it and if humans don't have water they could not survive Air: air is an abiotic factor you can't see it or feel it unless its windy, yet still if we don't have any air we would not exist.

What are biotic and abiotic in freshwater?

abiotic: nonliving............... rocks water sand biotic: living............ plants fish

Which is an abiotic element found in marine ecosystems?


What is an abiotic factor on an angler fish?

Angler Fish rely on having dirt and mud in the deep sea... It must be like this so that they can bury themself and only have the bioluminescent lure ( The lightbulb antenna) in sight. So they can lure prey and eat them!!!

Is a fish an abiotic factor?

Yes. Biotic factors are things that are currently or have ever been alive. In other words they contain organic matter. Abiotic factors are things that are not alive and never have been alive, like temperature, humidity, wind, etc.