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The benthic zone is the ecological region at the lowest level of a body of water such as an ocean or a lake, including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers. Organisms living in this zone are called benthos, e.g. the benthic invertebrate community, including crustaceans and polychaetes.[1] The organisms generally live in close relationship with the substrate bottom and many are permanently attached to the bottom. The superficial layer of the soil lining the given body of water, the benthic boundary layer, is an integral part of the benthic zone, as it greatly influences the biological activity which takes place there. Examples of contact soil layers include sand bottoms, rocky outcrops, coral, and bay mud.

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Q: What abiotic factors do organisms that live in the benthic zone need to adapt to?
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What abiotic factors do organisms living in rivers and streams have to adapt to?

The swamp has trees and the marsh has plants such as grasses

Why is it important for organisms to be able to adapt to changes in abiotic factors?

Abiotic factors play a large role in the adaptations of organisms. This is because climate and things like water can make it hard for organisms to live there. That is why fish have gills.

Why is it important for organism to be able to adapt to changes in abiotic factors?

maybe is about the organisoe . Organisoe is the thing of kons

What abiotic factors do organism living in rivers and streams have to adapt to?

The swamp has trees and the marsh has plants such as grasses

What are ways humans are altering abiotic and biotic factors?

Difference Between Abiotic and Biotic• Categorized under Science | Difference Between Abiotic and BioticWe refer the term Biotic to living things while abiotic things are those which are non-living. Organisms which obtain nutrients, perform metabolism, produce energy, and can move about in the surroundings are biotic. They can grow, reproduce, maintain homeostasis, adapt, and evolve. Abiotic example are - a rock, soil, etc.Sometimes an ecosystem is divided into biotic and abiotic ecosystem. The community of the organisms living in the area comprise of the biotic components of the ecosystem. The community includes the organisms and actions such as mutualism and predation. And the environment in which the organisms thrive is the abiotic ecosystem. The abiotic components include the energy produced through the cycling of nutrients, the solar energy, and other non-living components in the ecosystem. The abiotic components of the ecosystem can be temperature, light, air current, etc.Biotic components shape an ecosystem and are the living components in the organism's environment. In a grassland ecosystem, biotic components can be categorized as producers, consumers, and decomposers. The producers capture the solar energy, use the nutrients available, and produce energy. For example, grasses, trees, lichens, cyanobacteria, etc are producer. Consumers do not have the ability to produce or capture energy on their own and depend on the producers. They are the herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Decomposers break down the organic layer providing nutrients for the producers. Insects, fungi, bacteria, etc. are examples of decomposers. In the grassland ecosystem, soil is the important link between the biotic and abiotic components.Abiotic factors affect the living organisms in a community. In a barren ecosystem new organisms start colonizing the ecosystem. They depend on the environmental components to thrive well in the system. These environmental components which facilitate the thriving of the organisms are the abiotic factors. It can be the soil, climate, water, energy, and anything helping the sustenance of the organism. The abiotic components impact the evolution cycle.In an ecosystem, if one factor is altered, it can impact the whole system. The availability of the other resources in the system can be impacted as a whole. Human beings are capable of altering the physical environment through development, construction, farming, and pollution. As a result the abiotic components in the system change and affect the biotic organisms. Global warming affects many organisms like plants and microbes. Acid rains have resulted in the destruction of the fish population.Apart from biotic and abiotic factors, there are some factors which determine the number and types of organisms in a system. These factors are known as limiting factors. The limiting factors are capable of restricting the overpopulation of any species. At the Arctic, the permanently low temperature restricts the growth of trees and other plants.

What can Organisms adapt?

Organisms can adapt to their habitat or environment. If they don't adapt, then they may not survive long enough to reproduce.

Do deserts adapt?

Deserts do not adapt but organisms that live in the desert adapt.

Why is it important for organisms to adapt?

adaptations are important for organisms because it inherits a trait that helps that organism survive

What are the abiotic and biotic factors about the tundra biome?

Tundra is abiotic because it cannot breathe oxygen.

Can aquatic organisms or terrestrial organisms adapt better when there are temperature fluctuations?

Aquatic organisms or terrestrial organisms do not adapt better when there are temperature fluctuations. Changes in temperatures will a direct affect on the organisms which may hinder proper adaptations.

What if a rainforest goes through a drought?

The trees and shrubs will die and the water will dry up. The organisms that live there (animals, plants, bacteria, fungi) will have to adapt to less water. If they don't adapt, they will die out. And the organisms that adapt will have different characteristics than the organisms that did not adapt and live in different regions.

Biotic and abiotic factors of a tiger?

Tigers are a biotic factor. Biotic factors are living things. Abiotic factors are non-living things. they eat the dung produced by weasels and spit it into there baby mouths