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I use a product called, "Night Rest" by Source Naturals that I bought at my health food store. It has some melatonin in it, but also GABA, skullcap, chamomile flower, lemon balm and a few other natural, non-toxic ingredients.

I could not use straight melatonin, didn't like it because, as I remember it made me feel kind of drugged out. This product helps me sleep and have good dreams and be in a good mood the next day.

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Q: What about if you lay down tired and cant sleep all night?
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Is it possible to not be able to sleep after losing a lot of sleep?

yes, if you dont get enough sleep and you get too tired your body cant slow down enough and it's harder to get to sleep. trust me, i know. :D

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it makes youu hyper and feel amazing! its a totally different high. when you start to come down you may be tired. many people cant sleep while rolling.

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because they're tired.

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It takes several hours when uneasiness of my legs normlize then go to sleep

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It could be due to to you being tired, your brain cells just want to shut down if you didnt get enough rest. When you don't get enough sleep your body wants to shut down and sleep. You have a headache because your brain is tired and you need to sleep. When it's time for you to go to sleep you should sleep.

What happens when you loose 2 hours of sleep?

You get tired and really run down.

How many hours does an ostrich sleep?

Ostriches sleep sitting down, at dark, and sleep off and on through out the night.

What do you do when your tired?

When one is tired, it is important to get some rest and give the body an opportunity to recuperate. The person should go to sleep, lie down briefly, or sit down, depending on the place and circumstances.

What can you do when your tired?

When one is tired, it is important to get some rest and give the body an opportunity to recuperate. The person should go to sleep, lie down briefly, or sit down, depending on the place and circumstances.

Why do you feel so alone and sad at night?

because you are so run down and tired

How do monkeys sleep at night?

Monkeys usually sleep upside down like bats.

Why are people always tired during the day?

In some cases the person is not tired; drowsy.Keep in mind that your body induces a self-paralysis to prevent injury during sleep.You're being freed from that paralysis when you wake up.Makes you're kind of stiff, tired, drowsy, etc.Also, your metabolism slows down during dormancy.Waking up and doing stuff while your body's still asleep leaves you with a lack of energy being produced, leaving you feeling tired. (For just a bit)(BTW, Sleepwalking is a disorder where this paralysis doesn't correctly shut down the brain's motor skills, and the body remains at the whim of an unconscious brain.)A major reason why many people wake up tired is that they suffer from sleep disturbances that can include sleep that is interrupted many times during the night, inability to fall asleep for hours, waking up very early and not being able to get back to sleep, profound sleep disorders that prevent any restful sleep at all, fibromyalgia that induces pain during the night, other pain disorders, insomnia caused by stress, medication and anxiety, and sleep apnea induced by breathing interruptions.An evaluation at a sleep study clinic may help determine the reason.