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they were out numbered

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Vincent Kemmer

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Q: What about the battle at sphacteria might have worried the Spartans?
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What about the battles at sphacteria might have worried the Spartans?

they were out numbered

How might Persia Wars have ended if the Spartans had not slowed the Persians at Thermopylae?

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Ok. It starts out in a battle field real buff Spartans come out of a awsome pelican better then halo reach's pelican and one of the Spartans say 117 on his chest on the others 113, 114, 115, 116, and 118. you might say WAT THA WHAA?!?!?! That's all i know for now

What were Spartans afraid might rebel that they trained for war for?

I don't really know can you help???

What might have bothered Spartans and Athenians about each other society?

Spartans might have been bothered by Athenian focus on arts and culture rather than military prowess, while Athenians might have been bothered by Spartan emphasis on a rigid, militaristic society that limited individual freedoms.

Why did Spartans stress military training?

Because the leaders thought that a military society created more obedient and loyal citizens

How do you describe your mom being worried?

Some adjectives that could describe a worried person might be:crabbyfretfultearfulemotionalpensiveagitatedangry

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He was worried because he was realizing that there might not be adults on the island :]

Why would a person sweat so much at night that they have to dry out there pillow the net morning?

you might be very stressed about something. that might cause it. or worried. very worried

What Spartans were afraid that the might rebel so they trained for war.?

I don't really know can you help???