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Each kernel of popcorn contains a small amount of water which evaporates, causing steam, and popping the kernel open. Water doesn't have a crystaline structure, thus heat causes jumps in energy levels easier. Using both these facts, we can then infer about why the structure of water causes popcorn to pop under large amounts of energy, called microwaves.

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Q: What about the structure of water allows you to pop popcorn in a microwave oven?
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Does popcorn give you cancer?

Popcorn kernels pop when the water inside them expands, turns into steam and ... be too high for people at risk for heart disease, while added salt can lead to hypertension. ... Microwave Butter Popcorn & Lung Cancer Risk ...

What is the reasons why kernels from popcorn does not pop if it is dry?

It is basically a plant. The microwave gives warmth, so water is still required.

How long can you live on just one bag of microwave popcorn and water if you are over 100 pounds over weight?

that's just a terrible idea. eat healthy, fruits, veggies, lean meat. not popcorn!

Why wont my popcorn pop?

If you're using a microwave: Maybe it isn't hot enough. Or maybe the bag you're using isn't closed properly. U NEED 2 MICROWAVE IT ON HIGH ON THE POPCORN SETTING DON'T JUST SET IT ON THE COUNTER AND WAIT TILL IT POPS

Can you microwave regular popcorn?

Yes you can. You need to mix in a teaspoon of cooking oil first and don't use too much popcorn (about 3 tablespoons). Use a microwave safe container with a lid (of course) or an oven bag with a small opening to allow steam to escape but don't use a twist tie.

Why does steam come out of a fresh bag of popcorn?

Popcorn pops because of the water content in the kernels. Heating the kernels, whether by microwave or by some other means, turns the water into steam, which expands and breaks the kernels. Admittedly, this is a small amount of water, but it doesn't take much steam, to pop a kernel.

What ingredient makes microwave popcorn pop?

The popcorn kernels all contain a drop of water that turns to steam when it is heated. The steam expands the kernel until it pops.

Why doesn't popcorn pop when it's put in a microwave on full power?

It's probably stale. If the water inside each kernel drys out, it won't pop.

What structure allows a plant to reproduce without a water supply?


What can you microwave?

You can Microwave any non living thing that stores water to heat it up. Microwaves vibrate water molecules to heat up your food. There is small moisture stored in popcorn kernels and this causes them to explode when the moisture under higher pressure is expanding. Metal and other foreign objects are not safe to use in the microwave and you can not use the microwave with nothing in it because it will over heat the parts and break it.