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large intestines

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Q: What absorbs most of the water from food some vitamins and minerals?
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What does the intestine absorb?

The large intestine absorbs water, electrolytes, and some kinds of vitamins and minerals. After your food has been swallowed and has been digested in your stomach and small intestine your large intestine absorbs the last of the water.

Does the large intestine absorb?

The large intestine absorbs water, electrolytes, and some kinds of vitamins and minerals. After your food has been swallowed and has been digested in your stomach and small intestine your large intestine absorbs the last of the water.

How does food get its vitamins and minerals?

It gets the minerals through the water it recieves, and some foods have vitamins naturally.

Six kinds of nutrients found in food?

Proteins carbohydrates fats water vitamins minerals

What are the Six basic food components?

water , minerals , vitamins , carbohydrates , fat , proteins

How does large intestine absorb?

The small intestine absorbs glucose (sugar), fat, starch, and protein before passing it on to the large intestine.

What non-food pill or liquid contains vitamins and minerals?

well, vitamin water has vitamins and minerals...and there are anti food pills that actually make you not hungry for a week or two, i think they're full of vitamins and stuff

What are the food substance?

Carbohydrates, Protiens, fats, vitamins,minerals and water are the most essential food substances.

Where does digested food end up?

Your body absorbs vitamins and minerals from the food you ingest, and anything left over that isn't burned/stored for energy shows up as stool.

What are the seven food group?

Carbohydrates, Protein, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre and Water

The seven food groups?

carbohydrates fiber fats proteins vitamins minerals water