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Q: What accidentals are in the key of c major?
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What accidentals are in the key of A major?

YOU learn about accidentals in level 2 in piano. Accidentals in piano are when there are flats or sharps next to a note that was not given in the key signature.

What accidentals are in the key of f major?

b flat

Why is it that G major has a black note and C major does not?

Johann Sebastian Bach 'discovered' the chromatic scale, and composed the Circle of Fifths. The Circle of Fifths starts with the key of C, which has no accidentals (flats or sharps). The fifth note of C is G, when means when you play or write these scales, you move from the key of C to the key of G - moving up a perfect fifth; hence, the term 'circle of fifths'. The key of G major has one accidental, the F sharp. The fifth note of the key of G is D, and the key of D major has TWO sharps - so you see, as you move through the circle of fifths each change increases the number of accidentals by one. For instance, the fifth note of D is A, and the key of A major has THREE accidentals. That is pretty much why the key of G major has an accidental, which in the case of that scale, happens to be F sharp.

What do the Notes of the c major scale mean?

It means they belong to that scale, and when the key of a song is "C", these are the notes to use. If their are any accidentals next to a note though, remember to raise or lower the note accordingly.

What Two pairs of notes exist as semitones and do not require accidentals?

The white notes E -> F and B -> C are a semitone apart. They do not require accidentals when present in any key in which those particular notes are not altered in the key signature, but do require accidentals if the corresponding notes in the key signature automatically raise or lower them by a semitone accordingly.

What accidental cancels all other accidentals?

A natural sign cancels all applicable accidentals in that bar as well as accidentals in the key signature. However, in the case of the key signature accidentals, the natural sign is only applicable to that bar.

What is the key signature of C major?

There are no sharps or flats in the key signature of C Major.

Which major and minor keys have no sharps or flats?

The keys of C major and A minor have no sharps or flats.

What is the key signature for C major?

It's C major if there are no flats or sharps in the key sharps and flatsThere are no sharps or flats in the key signature of C Major.

How do you construct g major using accidentals?

Instead of writing a sharp in the key signature, write one next to the F when you write out the scale.

Is Aretha Franklin's song respect in major or minor key?

It's in a major key, and it's C major

Which major key has a key signature of no sharps or flats?

C major.