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Espionage Act of 1917

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Q: What act was passed in 1917 that made it illegal to subvert US military personnel?
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The Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials inside the US without direct approval from the Constitution or Congress.?

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials in the US. The law was passed on June 18,1878 and updated in 1981.

What Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials inside the US without direct approval from the Constitution or Congress?

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials in the US. The law was passed on June 18,1878 and updated in 1981.

What Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials inside the US without direct approval from the Constitution or Congress.?

The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits Federal military personnel from acting as law enforcement officials in the US. The law was passed on June 18,1878 and updated in 1981.

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The military was desegregated by executive order. Executive Order 9981, signed by President Truman on July 26, 1948, forbade discriminating against military personnel because of race, color, religion, or national origin.

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Because no laws have been passed making it illegal.

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If is illegal or doesn't concur with the legislative restrictions of the constitution.

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What levels of government or governmental agencies were responsible for dealing with gay people in the military up until 2011?

Military personnel are the responsibility of the Department of Defense. The so-called "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law was passed by the Legislative branch and signed into law by President Clinton. As a general rule, the courts say that the government's requirements for military service constitute "justifiable discrimination" -- that is, the military services have the right to exclude certain categories of citizens. For example, the military can refuse to hire a physically challenged person as a soldier. However, gay people no longer fall into this category.