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Q: Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917 requiring all men between these ages to register for military service?
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Law requiring the military enrollment of men aged 20-30?

The Selective Service Act requires all men to register once they reach the age of 18. Otherwise, you can get a fine for not doing it.

What are selective survice?

The selective service is the organization that makes sure young men register for the military when they turn 18.

What did the Selective Service Act mean for all African Americans?

They were required to register for military service.

How did the U.S prepare for war?

To prepare the u.s . Military ,congress passed the selective service act in 1917. The act required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register to be draft. Almost 3million Americans were drafted into service in World War 1.

How did Woodrow Wilson try to expand the US Army after Congress declared war?

After Congress declared war in April 1917, Woodrow Wilson appointed Newton D. Baker as Secretary of War. Wilson implemented the Selective Service Act, requiring all men between 21 and 30 to register for military service. By the end of the war, the US Army had grown from a force of around 200,000 to over 4.8 million soldiers.

Which statement is true of the Selective Service?

some citizens are required to register for it some people are obligated to register for it, but there is no military draft right now it is a system that will be used if there is a military draft in the future

What required men to register with the government for random military service?

The Selective Service Act, although the definition you give of it is a bit misleading.

Selective service act?

Required men to register with the govt. for a draft, in order to be randomly selected for military service. May, 1917

Do you have to register for the military when your 18 years old?

Yes, you have to register with the Selective Service when you reach 18. You can get the forms at the Post Office.

In what year did congress pass the selective service act which required all male citizens to register for military draft upon turning eighteen?

Probably during WWII; it was constant because of the cold war...and didn't end until the Vietnam War.

Was a male required to register for the military draft in 1967?

Yes. The current Selective Service Act has been in place since 1948.

Which is required by law of all American men who are at least 18?

Most males are required to register for the selective service when they turn 18. In case of an emergency they can be called for a military draft.