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Active listening is crucial to settling a conflict peacefully. By engaging in empathetic listening, acknowledging the other party's perspective, and demonstrating a willingness to find a mutually agreeable solution, you can help de-escalate tensions and work towards a resolution.

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Q: What action is most important to settling a conflict peacefully?
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this is an opinionated answer stay away from those who get in trouble, be good , and dont be bad

After the conflict is established the story's action intensifies to the blank and then falls?

After the conflict is established, the story's action intensifies to the climax, which is the highest point of tension and drama. Following the climax, the action falls to the resolution, where the conflict is resolved or concluded.

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The consequences of the story's main events unfold.

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The part of a story we call "rising action" is that part where the tension and conflict increase until they reach the climax or peak of the story.