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Germany was coming out of a depression after the loss of World War 1 and the country was humiliated. Hitler rose to power by making the people feel like he could lead them out of this depression and make their country great. He used Propaganda to promote his Nazi party, and then began to use Jewish people as a scapegoat for all the Countries problems, including the depression.

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The invasion of Poland on 01/09/1939.

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Q: What actions lead to the holocaust?
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Do you agree with the action of the Holocaust?

The actions taken to bring about and to carry out the Holocaust were atrocious. These actions should have never been allowed.

How does monotheism or polytheism lead to the Holocaust?

Simple answer: There is no such link. The Holocaust was about race and ideology, not religion.

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A victim was someone who suffered as a result of actions taken.

Why was the holocaust evil?

actions/events are not evil, only people can be evil.

What actions did the united states took as a result of the holocaust?

none (openly).

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There is no link between the two, unless you are confusing the Holocaust with World War 2.

How did Hitler's big lie lead to the holocaust?

because it did

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We are all responsible for our actions, whether obeying orders or not.

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laws regarding the Holocaust were made retrospectively, as Hitler found out about what happened in the Holocaust, he backdated orders so that the actions were made to be legal.

What were 4 actions that happened during the holocaust?

segregation, deportation, incarceration, extermination.