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the active boundary between plates is a ?

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Juliet Olson

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1y ago
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Q: What active boundary between the plates?
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What is the active boundary between plates?

the active boundary between plates is a ?

Are active Hawaii volcanoes situated directly above a major boundary between two of the earth's largest tectonic plates?


What is the border between the plates?

The boarder between two plates is called a boundary.

What is the boundary between two plates that move apart?

divergent boundary

Boundary between two plates that are moving apart?

Convergent: plates move into one another.Divergent: plates move apart.Transform: plates move sideways in relation to each other.

Is oil the boundary between tectonic plates?


What is the boundary between plates that are colliding?

you will get a covergent

The boundary between two plates moving together is called a?

Convergent boundary's.

What type of plates boundary exists between African plates and the Antarctic plate?

They are divergent plates

What is the boundary between plates?

Divergent, convergent and transform.

What are the two plates at the major plate boundary of the most seismically active area of north American?

Pacific and north america plates

What is a boundary between plates that are moving away from each oher?

A boundary where the plates are moving apart is called a divergent boundary. It is also called a constructive boundary because new crust is made there.