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Q: What actor played Thor in Thor Hammer of Gods?
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Related questions

How many pages in Hammer of Thor?

According to an Internet search, Hammer of Thor(second book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgarseries) has 338 pages.

How or where did Thor get his powers and his hammer?

In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and his powers come from his lineage as the son of Odin, the king of the gods. He wields the hammer Mjolnir, which was crafted by the dwarves and is enchanted to channel his power. The hammer is a symbol of Thor's strength and ability to protect both the gods and humans.

Why does thor have a powerfull hammer?

Thor was given his hammer mjolner by the dwarves as part of a competition to see who could make the three most beneficial items for the gods.

What was thor the viking gods powers?

The Viking god, Thor, had the powers to thunder and the sky. His powerful weapon was his hammer that he used in battles.

What are the names of some of the Norse gods?

Some of the names of the Norse gods are Loki and Thor. Loki is a trickster god who likes to mess around with Thor, who has a big hammer that weighs a lot.

How does Thor get back his hammer?

Odin when he banished thor he made a spell on thors hammer and then Thor made a sucess and earn his hammer back

Hammer of Thor?

We offer Hammer of thor tablets which has the best supplement for stamina in bed. It is a medicine hammer of thor for men's health. Buy hammer of thor medicine online from its official website and get full information on the hammer of thor tablet price based on its course. Best medicine for stamina increase in Bed. Buy today online Hammer of Thor Tablet.

Where did thor get his hammer from?

Mjöllnir, the hammer of Thor, was made by the dwarves Sindri and Brokk.

Did Thor's hammer throw lightning?

Yes, Thor's Hammer did indeed throw lightning

Where is thors hammer located?

Thor is afictitiouscharacter which does not exist in reality. So since Thor has no existence, Thor's hammer also does not exist.

Who are the sons who will inherit Thor's hammer?

The two sons that will inherit Thor's hammer are Modi and Magni.

What is the meaning of Mjolnir in Norse mythology?

A mjolnir is the hammer of Thor in Norse mythology. This is slightly different from the comic book version of Thor and his hammer. It is a formidable weapon that has great power; several other Norse gods have tried to harness it's power and failed.