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Q: What actually causes the electrons to move?
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Describe how a battery causes electrons to move in a circuit?

The electrons don't actually move the electricity; the charge moves. The electrons slowly drift in the opposite direction from the charge.

Positive ions and electrons can flow in a a solution but only electrons can flow in wires. What causes the electrons to move?

All the above Energy. Energy causes ever thing to move.

What causes a balloon to have static electricity?

The electrons move from the balloon to your body.

What occurs when light causes electrons to move when it hits some substances?

The electrons absorb the light energy, which excites them.

What causes the electrons to become excited and move into the electron transport chain?

In photosynthesis, the electrons from the chlorophyll are excited by the sunlight

What causes the electrons to move in the electromagnetic induction animation?

Changes in the magnetic field

How does conduction take place in a wire and do the electrons actually move?

Movement of electrons predominantly in one direction.

What is it called when light hits a certain metal and causes electrons in a metal to move?


What actually moves when an electric current flow?

Electrons move in electron current flow.

What unit is used to measure the electric force that causes the electrons to move?

This question is incorrect. Electricity is defined as the accumulation/ movement of electrons. The reason that electrons move is the same reason gravity exisits. They are just natural phenomena. There is no electric force that makes electrons move. It is the attractive/ repulsive forces between the protons and electrons. There is no such defined force you are asking about. The closest unit to answer this question is the Coloumb.

Does the movement of proton causes static electricity?

No. Static energy is present, whether charges (such as protons, or electrons) move, or not.

What makes car batteries work?

The reaction of the acid and lead causes electrons to move creating a DC current.