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Hurricane Katrina was the largest and third strongest hurricane ever recorded to make landfall in the U.S.

In New Orleans, the levees were designed for Category 3, but Katrina peaked at a Category 5 hurricane, with winds up to 175 miles per hour.

The storm surge from Katrina was 20-feet (six meters) high.

705 people are reported as still missing as a result of hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina affected over 15 million people in different factors such as economy, evacuations, gas prices or drinking water.

The final death toll was at 1,836, primarily from Louisiana (1,577) and Mississippi (238).

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Yes. Hurricane Katrina happened in late August when the oceans are usually at their warmest. This can result in very strong hurricanes.

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describe what happened to New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina.

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Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005

Are hurricane and Katrina same?

Actually, Katrina is a hurricane, so they are the same, but there have only ever been two hurricanes named Katrina. There was the infamous Hurricane Katrina of 2005 and a lesser known one in 1981.

How many people died in the Katrina hurricane in 1992?

Katrina happened in 2005 not in 1992, the official death toll stands at 1,836.

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