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Q: What adaptations has the sacred fig made to survive?
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If a fig tree's bark has been ate off by mice then it will not beable to survive because it has nothing to survive off of.

What fruit is a fig newton made from?

A fig newton is made from a fig newton pasrty filled with fig paste.

What does the strangler fig need to survive?

Sunlight, water and air

What is a fig made of?

A fig is made of food particles that come from strawberry's and grapes

How do fig trees survive in the Sahara desert?

The fig trees can survive cause they grow really fast even with little water, and because they are sort of like cactus and hold water for a long time. :)

What is a fig newton?

A Fig Newton is a pastry type cookie filled with fig paste made by Nabisco.

What is the Provincial tree of Bihar?

The Sacred Fig (Ficus religiosa) is the state tree of Bihar, Republic of India.

What is the Provincial tree of Odisha?

The Sacred Fig (Ficus religiosa) is the state tree of Orissa, Republic of India.

When were fig Newtons made?

Fig Newtons were originally made in the 1800's and were also originally made with flies. Gross right!?

What are some strangler fig adaptations?

The strangler fig tree have many adaptations one being that the strangler figs start their lives off as epiphytes, plants that do not root in the soil in their first stages of life, as at the ground level of the rainforest there is little light and a huge amount of competition for water and nutrients meaning that the majority of plants that start off on the ground have to adapt or die. The strangler fig has adapted by using other trees to get itself into the canopy where it is lighter. Once the strangler fig sprouts roots, it begins to use them to strangle the tree. as well as this it competes with the host tree for nuitrients and water, then the strangler fig has a large growth spurt, and once it begins to grow leaves they are very large and they tend to cover those of the host plant. The Strangler fig uses alot of these adaptations to become able to grow into a strong healthy plant.