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a waxy cuticle on the upper epidermis

stomata that can open and close to minimise transpiration

small surface area to volume ratio= less diffusion= less water loss

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Q: What adaptations help leaves to conserve water?
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Fleshy leaves and thick surface layers help in keeping water inside the plant, preventing it from drying out. The cactus is an extreme example of this adaptation, made to survive in arid environments.

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It is the white fuzz underneath the leaves that help it retain moisture.

What adaptations help plants conserve water?

Adaptations that enable plants to reduce water loss from leaves are: thick waxy cuticle - reduce evaporation reduced leaf surface area (eg. needles - cacti) closing stomates at midday, when hottest or during the day - reduce traspiration fewer number of stomates store water for long periods of time and absorb it quickly, usually plants have and extensive shallow root system have long roots, and loose their leaves - reduce stranspiration and absob water from dry soil seasons, grow and die in one season Physiological adaptations being CAM plants vs C4 plants

Why is water harvesting being encouraged these days?

water harvesting can help to conserve water

What can be done to help conserve fertile soil?

Fertilizer, crop rotation, water, and regular care all help conserve fertile soil.

How does rolling up its leaves help the marram grass to conserve water?

Rolling up its leaves reduces the surface area exposed to the sun and wind, helping to minimize water loss through transpiration. This adaptation reduces the plant's water consumption and helps it survive in arid environments.

With what do reptiles conserve water?

Crocodiles have low metabolic rate and thus need to raise body temperature by basking in the sun. Crocodiles do not have sweat glands and this is how they conserve water on their bodies.

How can the farmer help to conserve the soil?

water is bad!1