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Q: What adaptions would of helped the triceratops survive?
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Explain the importance of adaptions to the survival of plants and animals in their biome?

If nothing adapted, nothing would be able to survive. "Adaptions are characteristics that enable organisms to better survive and reproduce. There are three types of adaptions; structural, physiological and behavioural."

What did a triceratops do when it was young?

Young Triceratops were raised by their parents. For some time after they hatched, they stayed in the nest and they were fed by their parents. After the young Triceratops could leave the nest they would travel with their parents, learning the skills they would need to survive later in life, such as where food and water is located and how to avoid predators.

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How was triceratops born-life cycle?

1. Triceratops probably laid their eggs in nests made of piles of vegetation. The rotting plant matter helped to incubate the eggs. 2. When the eggs hatched, the mother Triceratops would feed and protect the hatchlings until they grew big and experienced enough to fend for themselves. 3. After they reached maturity, the new generation of Triceratops would lay eggs and the cycle would repeat.

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What is a name for a dinosaur with 3 horns?

The Triceratops because it has three horns on it's face.

What type of shelter did a Triceratops have?

Triceratops Dinosaurs would probably not have lived in shelters.

Why is important the adaptations for plants and animals?

If nothing adapted, nothing would be able to survive. "Adaptions are characteristics that enable organisms to better survive and reproduce. There are three types of adaptions; structural, physiological and behavioural."

What is a triceratops pack called?

A group of Triceratops would be called a herd. However, it is unknown whether Triceratops lived in herds or lived alone.

Did triceratops nature its babies?

Yes, Triceratops raised their offspring. They would have fed and protected them until the young Triceratops grew and learned enough to be able to fend for themselves.

How did a Triceratops eat?

Triceratops had a horny beak which it would have used to snap branches to make them easier to consume. Triceratops also ate shrubs and other low lying plants.

Who would win Triceratops vs Suchomimus?

Triceratops would win because it had horns for goring predators and the teeth of Suchomimus were not built for killing big prey.