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Q: What additional protective layer surrounds some viruses?
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What additional protective layer of protein surrounds some viruses-?

The envelope.

What additiional protective layer of protein surrounds some viruses?

This layer is called a capsid. The viruses without one are called naked viruses. The naked virus is can be damaged more readily by things in the environment.

How do the protective layer that surrounds planet earth provide protection?

The protective layer is ozone layer. The protection is from UV.

What thick layer surrounds a plant cell?

the plants protective layer dummy

Who protective layer that covers a cells surface?

Either the cell membrane, or the cell wall. The cell membrane is most common in animals, and protists, whereas some monerans, and most plants and fungi have a cell wall.

What is the outer most layer of the heart sac called?

The pericardium surrounds the heart like a protective sac. It contains fluid that decreases friction.

What do germs use instead of a brain?

The nucleus. Bacteria and germs have nuclei (I think) however viruses have nothing and are just the DNA strand and a protective layer.

Which rigid layer of the Earth surrounds the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere surrounds the asthenosphere.

What layer of the earth surrounds the core?

The mantle surrounds the outer core

What forms a protective layer of gas in the stratosphere?

The ozone forms a protective layer. It is present as ozone layer.

This layer contains the protective gas?

The ozone layer contains the protective gas.

Which chemical damages the protective ozone layer?

Chlorofluorocarbons damage the protective ozone layer.