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Q: What adjectives support an advertisements appeal to quality?
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Which adjectives support an advertisements appeal to quality?

sporty, fast exciting, cool new, improved tested, well-built

Which adjectives an advertisement's appeal to quality?

tested, well-built

What are the clippings of advertisements that illustrate the five significant traits of language?

Advertisements use language in order to appeal to a demographic.

What is scientific evidence appeal of advertisements?

its commercaisl that have like charts and graphs stuff like that

What do snob-appeal advertisements want the product being advertised to become?

status symbol

Advertisements using an emotional appeal attempt to?

create feelings of fear or joy in the audience.

Which of these desires are the producers of snob-appeal advertisements hoping that people have?

The desire to have the best of everything

What kind of audience members do snob-appeal advertisement work best on?

Snob appeal advertisements work best on people who want to feel superior.

What type of appeal does the author make by using negative adjectives in the?

Pathos (apex)

What is a testimonial appeal?

A testimonial appeal is one way for advertising to bring in customers by using satisfied customers in advertisements and ads to show how well and great their product is

What is rational appeal?

Rational appeal based on attributes and quality of the product or service

Snob-appeal advertisements try to make the product being advertised seem like a?

high-class and exclusive item that only the elite can access or afford, creating a sense of prestige and status associated with owning or using the product.