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Q: What advancement did had the greatest impact on people in the neolithic or Bronze age?
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What of these statements represent an opinion rather than a fact that that could be used to support an essay about the Neolithic revolution?

"The transition to settled agriculture during the Neolithic revolution marked a significant advancement in human society." This statement represents an opinion as it reflects an interpretation of the event rather than an objective fact. It can be used to support an essay by providing a perspective on the impact of the Neolithic revolution on human development.

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Bronze was used to make tools.

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Humans started using metal tools around 3,000 BCE during the Bronze Age. The first metals used were copper and tin, which were combined to create bronze tools and weapons. This marked a significant advancement in technology and had a major impact on human civilization.

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The impact of technology advancement on business communication can be felt and witnessed in the modern forms of communication. It has improved the speed and efficiency of business communication.

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Advancement. Trade. Communication. Education.

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A type of communication which has greatest impact is written communication

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Not true it was the greatest impact. It is just part of history. There are many things that have made a greater impact.

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Impact on general public is huge. Whole industrial development, social advancement depends on the electricity.

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